What is Chlamydia?
Chlamydia is an infection found particularly in young people. Signs of it are found in sperm and vaginal fluid. It is a bacterial infection, and can be contracted through sexual intercourse, anal and oral sex. It can also be located in your eyes (conjunctivitis) and throat, and, if you are pregnant, it can be given to your baby.
Symptoms of Chlamydia
Symptoms will typically develop after a period of three weeks or a few months. For men, symptoms include a liquid emission from the penis and discomfort when urinating. For women, symptoms typically include a watery vaginal secretion, discomfort when urinating and bleeding after or during sex.
What treatment is available for Chlamydia?
Testing will involve the use of a swab to take a sample from the penis or vagina, and may require a urine sample, all of which is un-painful. If there are signs that you have the condition in your eye then you may also need to be tested for this. Treatment involves the prescription of antibiotics, which can see the condition clear up after two weeks or so. However, you should inform your GP if you are pregnant. There is the chance that the antibiotics may affect the effectiveness of the contraceptive patch and pill. It is also a good idea to have your partner tested.
If you leave it…
If you leave the condition to develop it can spread around your body, and lead to further health problems such as infertility. It can also lead to pelvic inflammatory disease for women and an infection of the testicles for men. There is also the chance it can lead to a particular form of arthritis.