Natural family planning

What is it?

Unlike other types of contraception, this is theory based, and offers the chance to understand the indicators of pregnancy, and ways to prevent pregnancy from occurring if unplanned.

How does it work?

You are taught about the menstrual cycle, and the signs to do with fertility. You will need to learn such things from a specialist, as books can only teach you so much.

How dependable is it?

If you follow the instructions provided correctly then it can be 98% effective. However, it is always a good idea to use another form of contraception to be on the safe side, as this will not offer protection against STIs.

Other important information

This process can help to prevent pregnancy, but can also be used to help plan for a pregnancy. It will take about four or more menstrual cycles to become adept at the method, during which you will need to keep track of important information such as cervical secretions.


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